Tea Knowledge

A Cup of Tea Short Story

A Cup of Tea Short Story

  • Wednesday, 31 August 2022
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The Difference Between Black Tea,Green Tea & Oolong Tea

Black tea is made from the leaves of a small tree called "wild tea". Green, Oolong and black all come from this one plant with different flavors depending on how they're processed. The difference lies in fermentation - green tea has lowest level while blacks have been fermented longest at length which gives them more depth of taste than other types as well aroma that some may not prefer but everyone will notice when drinking your favorite cup!The more fermented your black teas are then stronger will be its aroma.

Green tea is a type of non-fermented tea that does not go through the full fermentation process to produce flavors. Black teas, on the other hand are fully fermented and require all steps in order for it become flavorful with an added bonus - they also have health benefits! Oolong shades fall somewhere in between those two categories with an intermediated degree of fermentation that results from stopping early enough before completion.Fermentation creates a huge difference in the taste of tea.

The astringent, bitter flavors of black tea are a result not only from the climate conditions or harvesting methods but also with how it's grown.

Tea Plant

Tea has been around for over 5000 years and there's a theory that the earliest teas were birthed in China. The highlands mountains span what is now in Yunnan province as well as Tibet, while others believe it was born closer to Southeast Asia instead where mountainous regions like southeastern Fujian.The tea tree plant is often given a small impression due to its usually shorter height. In reality, though,larger teas can reach up high into the branches of an ordinary sized tree and even over fences! But since most farmers will prune their plants towards keeping them compact for easier picking at harvest time.

The tea plant can be divided into Indian and Chinese varieties,the former of which are also known as Assam teas. The leaves of the Assam teas are sharp-pointed with uneven surfaces that provide more fiber for extraction, while those from latter tend to be broader but not as thickly covered by leaf margin or petiole hairs.It has been estimated that over millions of hectares throughout India's Assamese region,Nilgiri & Sri Lanka -all famous places for growing best known Assam teas.

The Chinese species has a more rounded front end, smaller leaves with darker green color. The leaf surface is smoother than that of Assam's! The Chinese species has a hardiness that makes it perfect for those who live in areas with colder winters.The Darjeeling region of India and Keemen & Lapsang Souchong tea area in China are where this plant originated from, but now they can also be found all over Asia as well!

The History of Tea

Tea has been around for centuries and it is no wonder that people have loved this drink ever since. The first time we hear about tea in history was during the 4th century AD when the early tea cultivation took place in China.By Tang Dynasty time,aristocracies in China enjoyed drinking their own homemade green teas while sitting on porches enjoying simple pleasures; though not long afterwards these brews made way across Asia via Silk Road traders who brought them all along various routes leading towards India and middle east!

The history of tea is an interesting one that began with the Silk Road and continued to grow in popularity throughout Asia, Europe then finally reached America. Tea has been around for centuries and was first introduced to Japan by Japanese diplomats to the Tang Dynasty.In the 18th century,Dutch merchants promoted a tea trade boom in Europe. In that era's mid-18th centurymarking an important change with black tea becoming more popular than green teas; and the market for black tea expanded to the United States,by then the black tea had entered into its new golden era of blooming!

*** Discover the wonderful taset of the Chinese tea at admiringazeland.com.

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